How to Publish


All articles must be sent to the Managing Editor only. Only unpublished articles, anywhere, in any form, must be sent for publication and the articles published in TJELLS must not be republished, anywhere in any form, thereafter. In case of repetition, only the author owns 'disclaimer'.

The articles should not contain any word / phrase / sentence / paragraph, which may invite controversies or provocation. If so, they will not be published. Only the Managing Editor has all power to publish or not to publish an article or any part of it.

Articles will be first selected by the Board of Editors and then will be sent for peer-review. The contributors will be informed now and then, the on-going proceedings. But at the same time, the Editorial Board will abstain from any sort of communication with the author/s if an article has not been selected by them. If an author has not received any communication from TJELLS within three days of posting his / her article, it could be very well understood that the article has not been selected by the Board.

Neither the Managing Editor nor the Board own responsibility for any kind of plagiarism or the views of the author.

The author who publishes his / her  article in TJELLS alone retains the copyright of the work. TJELLS does not own responsibility for any delay or loss of submissions.

The articles must be free from grammatical / typographical / citation errors. Articles found with too many errors will be rejected.

If once an article is found in an issue of TJELLS, the authors from abroad are requested to contact the Managing Editor to get a hard copy of the Issue.

The authors should submit their duly filled-in Copy Right Form, found on our web site, exclusively for TJELLS, before the publication of their articles. All articles may be sent to