The Knack of The Trouble Shooter in Markus Zusak’s The Messenger (2002)


  • C. M. Sharmi Rachel
  • Dr. B. Beneson Thilagar Christadoss


Young adult fiction, Markus Zusak, The Messenger, problem-solving skill


Young adult fiction, a recent trendy sector of literature, influences the adolescent readers extensively. Markus Zusak’s The Messenger (2002) deals with the life of a young adult, Ed Kennedy, who is the messenger and the message in the story. As the novel gradually reveals the encrypted messages to the messenger the abilities of the young man is put into trial. As the messenger, he overcomes his ordinary state to take bold decisions to solve other people’s problems daringly instilling in the reader to inculcate in them such a proficiency to handle strenuous situations with ease. This research paper aims at analyzing the problem-solving skill of the protagonist who prefers wise decisions to bold decisions in bringing harmony in the lives of others.




How to Cite

C. M. Sharmi Rachel, & Dr. B. Beneson Thilagar Christadoss. (2020). The Knack of The Trouble Shooter in Markus Zusak’s The Messenger (2002). TJELLS | The Journal for English Language and Literary Studies, 10(1), 8. Retrieved from