Eco-Criticism in Rabindranath Tagore’s Novels


  • Dr. B. Jeyanthi


Eco criticism, ecology, environment, ecosystem, eco-critical practice, Nature


Eco criticism focuses on earth oriented approach to literary studies other than human –based approach. This study advocates a thorough and deep understanding of eco-critical practice through major global issues like ozone depletion and environmental pollution. This paper throws light on how the human beings and the Nature are intertwined and inseparable as depicted by Tagore in his novels. Eco-feminism and eco-criticism are the positive impacts of Post-Colonialism. It includes human beings, both animate and inanimate things. A piece of literary work gets eternity if it deals with the beauty of Nature. Writers get their position unmoved because of their treatment of Nature at its height.




How to Cite

Dr. B. Jeyanthi. (2019). Eco-Criticism in Rabindranath Tagore’s Novels. TJELLS | The Journal for English Language and Literary Studies, 9(1), 5. Retrieved from