Pen Prints of the Literary Legend Anita Desai - An Overview


  • S. B. Lavanya


Anita Desai, Indian writers, Indian English Writers, women


Anita Desai is one of the few remarkable Indian writers in English, whose works have been greatly praised both at home and abroad. Anita Desai presents women as not totally cut off from family or society but women who remain within these orbits and protest against Monotony, injustice and humiliation. Anita Desai has shown her brilliance like other creative writers in fiction. She was not disturbed by male writer dominance in the field of writing fiction in English, as she has had the upbringing by a German mother and Bengali father. Her entry into the Indian writing in English, that too, in fiction has done much to popularize the Indo-English novels internationally.




How to Cite

S. B. Lavanya. (2013). Pen Prints of the Literary Legend Anita Desai - An Overview. TJELLS | The Journal for English Language and Literary Studies, 3(2), 8. Retrieved from